
What is a cartel?

Invented in 1964 by Lacan, the cartel is, along with supervision and the Pass, one of the threepillars of psychoanalysis. The cartel is closely linked to that which Lacan articulates in his teaching. This mode of working with several people (cartelisands) consists of producing bits of knowledge about psychoanalysis in a transference toward the school. It is open to anyone who wishes to study Lacanian psychoanalysis.

Forming a Cartel?

The cartel is composed of a minimum of three and a maximum of five people. This group meets where possible in presence or, if it takes the form of a cartel composed betweendifferent countries, cartelisands meet by videoconference at a pace that is decided between the members. Cartelisands do not have to be psychoanalysts or members of a school.

Cartelisands choose a Plus-One who is also a member of the cartel at work and is a member of the school. Not occupying a master position, the Plus-One is responsible for supporting the selection, discussion, stimulation and outcome (publication in the 4+One Newsletter) of each person’s work.

Registering the Cartel?

The Plus-One registers the cartel on the NLS website. As a rule, the usual duration of a cartel is between one and two years.  The Plus-One will specify whether the cartel is formed towards the NLS Congress. From the list displayed, the Plus-one will register the common theme of the cartel as well as the question specific to each member.

The other NLS cartels pages provide additional information about the cartel catalogue, the list of cartel delegates, the 4 + One Newsletter, references and archives.

If you have any questions about the cartels, please contact the cartel delegate of the NLS :
Marina Frangiadaki (

Cartel Commission: Linda Clarke, Mercedes Rouault, Markus Zöchmeister